
Deborah Norville Serenity: Knitter and Crocheter

Busy lady that she is finds like the rest of us that she likes to knit or crochets on the go! How did she arrive at that point?

Working on Inside Edition, she revealed she’s been knitting or crocheting carpet yarn from her dad’s factory in Georgia. She was approached by Premier Yarn to create a yarn line under her name. Deborah was incredulous to learn that Deborah Norville Yarn has just sold it 6 millionth skein! Although some of it’s acrylic, it’s surprising how soft it is, and great for charity work like Project Linus, where becomes a cherished item for years to come. It’s really well known who know Deborah’s yarn because of it’s availability and affordability. The line comes in many different weights from Super Fine to Super Bulky! She is happy with the original offerings of acrylic yarn, but the natural fibers are exciting. 

Hipster is a new line, that’s 90% bamboo with the rest polymide, that has a lovely drape. Deborah is currently making something for her daughter out of it. https://www.premieryarns.com/product/Premier+Deborah+Norville+Hipster+Yarn.aspx

She also shared her excitement about Alpaca Dance https://www.premieryarns.com/product/Premier+Deborah+Norville+Alpaca+DanceTM+Yarn.aspx

and Wool Naturals https://www.premieryarns.com/product/Premier+Deborah+Norville+Wool+Naturals+Yarn.aspx and

the Cotton Soft Silk is very exciting for her  https://www.premieryarns.com/product/Premier+Deborah+Norville+Cotton+Soft+Silk+Silk+Multis+Yarn.aspx

and the Serenity lines especially the Serenity Socks https://www.premieryarns.com/product/Premier+Deborah+Norville+Serenity+Sock+Yarn.aspx

but they shared their love for the colors in Saturate  ww.premieryarns.com/product/Premier+Deborah+Norville+Saturate+Yarn.aspx.

Her line also includes Hooks and Needles https://www.premieryarns.com/dept/Hooks+and+Needles.aspx  also Premier Yarns has an extensive list of patterns, with clear recommendations.

Her own website: https://dnorville.com/

Premier Yarns, Deborah Norville Yarns: https://www.premieryarns.com/dept/Deborah+Norville+Yarns.aspx

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  1. lora baker says:

    Loved the show today. I’m a big fan of Deborah’s yarns, hearing so much about the different kinds she has in her line makes me want to run out and try em lol ……..Serenity

  2. Hishandmaid says:

    I appreciated this interview! First of all, I’ve never seen Inside Edition, so I just know Deborah’s name from the yarn line. I don’t think I’ve really given this yarn line a chance because, I was thinking because of the price point it couldn’t be good quality, but after hearing Deborah’s excitement about the different yarns I will give it a try. I love the peace and serenity that knitting brings to me, and I can’t wait to explore it more with Deborah Norville’s yarn & needles!

  3. jrouton says:

    What a wonderful interview!!!! I so love Deborah’s yarn line. Serenity yarns are amazing and I have made multiple projects out of the yarns. I love how soft and washable they are. Knitting Halos of Hope hats are just some of what I have knit out of the yarns. I look forward to trying your needles in the near future!!!

  4. SandraR says:

    As I have not yet tried knitting socks I have not used Serenity. One day perhaps I will give this yarn a try.

  5. hotknitter says:

    I have not used Serenity yet, but it was pure serenity listening to Deborah’s passion for our craft.

  6. Kate M says:

    Thanks for another great show. I checked out Deborah’s Serenity Sock yarn and I am adding to my project list a pair for myself in the mint color! WOW! I can’t wait to get to my craft store to check out her new line of needles. I need to get double pointed needles to make my new socks! 🙂 Can’t wait for the next show!

  7. Vicki says:

    I really enjoyed your interview with Deborah Norville. I checked out her yarns and am really interested in trying out a few of them. I think the Hipster yarn would make a lovely hippie vest for my granddaughter, Serenity. And, maybe a matching one for me!

  8. Ali says:

    Great show! Checking out the website now. I get so much peace and serenity from knitting. Nothing relaxes me quite like it!!

  9. Kim Fess says:

    On Seinfeld Frank Costanza was advised to say “serenity now” aloud every time his blood pressure was in danger of going up. When that happens to me, I knit. It never fails to calm me down.

  10. Vicki Lynch says:

    I was so excited to knit with your Serenity yarn after hearing a podcast about a year ago, that I ordered enough for several pairs of socks. Now I’d like to try your needles too. Your passion for the craft comes through so well in your interviews. I’d like to try some of your new yarns too. I love that you keep the prices affordable.

  11. Renee says:

    Thank you, Marly, for having Deborah Norville on the show! I really like her yarns and have enjoyed knitting with her Serenity yarns! I also really enjoy that she understands that price point really is important to many of us in this day and age and allows us to have such wonderful yarns at great prices and can knit/crochet with her yarns enjoying blissful serenity knowing that we’re not breaking the savings account to be able to enjoy knitting/crocheting.

  12. Michele Byars says:

    I loved listening to Deborah on the show and you were hilarious as always. I have enjoyed using her Serenity yarns for a while now and can’t wait to try out some of her new lines.

  13. JennG says:

    I love knitting nerdy projects, especially all things Firefly and Serenity. It makes me happy to see the Serenity line by Deborah Norville, as it reminds me of my favorite show every time! 🙂

  14. Colleen Clarke says:

    My mother and I enjoyed the podcast as usual. Informative, interesting, and amusing all at the same time. I immediately checked out Deborah’s yarn line and I definitely will be purchasing some in the future, you can never have too much yarn. I, too, find a lot of peach and serenity when working with good yarns and creating items to give to my friends and family.

  15. Mary Kay Smith says:

    I’m always on the lookout for good yarns for our prayer shawl group. Serenity will work beautifully with the patterns that use sock yarn. Thanks!

  16. Wendy says:

    As I was listening to this podcast, a violent storm struck my area, knocking out our electric. Luckily most of my electronics were charged. This podcast was a time of serenity for me as I could listen while getting things back up and running. Love the sock yarn! I’ve made several baby projects for gifts recently.

  17. Amy Daraghy says:

    I really enjoyed this podcast. I made a beanie out of Serenity Sock yarn. It was the perfect yarn for the project.

  18. Iryna Boehland says:

    Thank you for the wonderful interview! I love Deborah’s yarn line. Serenity yarns are amazing

  19. kim dawson says:

    Knitting brings me total serenity…..knitting with nice yarn is like a dab of cool whip on top

  20. Brenda Reynoso Pena says:

    Deborah your line of yarns are great and extremely affordable. Like many others, knitting and crocheting gives me serenity and peace.

  21. colleen says:

    Not usually a fan of acrylics but many of my special loved ones, my mom and husband, I have found out the hard way are allergic to everything natural, including Alpaca. So, I can’t wait to check out the serenity line and it is great to hear that it wears well too. Thanks again for a lovely show and thanks to Deborah for promoting our lovely industry =)

  22. Ruthie says:

    Another great interview, Marly! I love how Deborah is so enthusiastic about her yarns. You can tell she really gets excited when talking about them. I have used the Serenity yarn for a scarf, and would be interested in trying out the Hipster yarn. I will have to start looking for the perfect pattern!

  23. Melissa C. says:

    Haven’t heard much about the Serenity yarn before, but now I’m excited to try it! Loved the interview:)

  24. Alison says:

    Deborah was so enthusiastic about her yarns that it was contagious. Knitting is my place of serenity.

  25. Gwen Buttke McGannon says:

    I find serenity in using Deborah Norville yarns. I loved listening to this episode and hearing about all the different yarns available from natural fibers to the synthetic. I am thankful for the integrity she provides with her yarns. I look forward to many more projects with her yarns and owning a few of her hooks too!

  26. Pat says:

    Thanks for a great interview. It led me to check out Deborah Norville yarns and now I’m thinking of a project for the Alpaca Dance; crocheting with it should bring pure serenity!

  27. Stephanie A. says:

    “Serenity now, serenity now!” I love working with Serenity sock yarn for socks and shawls. And Debra is as genuine as it gets…like an old friend from back home. 🙂

  28. Sandy says:

    I so enjoyed listening to Deborah Norville on the podcast. I love the softness of the Serenity Garden Yarn. It made up into a pretty crochet shell scarf. And the Serenity Baby is so beautiful. But my favorite Debirah Norville products are the knitting needles. They are super to use.

  29. Deila Hiebert says:

    I have used Deborah ‘s sock yarn and it is lovely and long wearing. Brings serenity to my knitting life anytime!

  30. Liz Fox says:

    Loved hearing about Deborah’s yarn – I’m sure that serenity would help me stay calm while I knit!

  31. Mary Pat says:

    iI am really excited to give Deborah’s yarn a try. I have never purchased any but hope to try her cotton/silk blend.

Marly Bird

The One and Only, Marly

Marly is a knitwear and crochet designer (and yarn addict) that is here to help you learn how to knit and crochet in a way that's fun and approachable.

Meet Marly

Knitting & Crochet Patterns for Every Mood
A cartoon image of a joyful chicken, sitting comfortably in a green armchair, knitting happily with blue yarn, surrounded by pink and white flowers, looking for DIY project ideas. -Marly Bird

Netflix & Chill

Simple projects for when you want to relax and zone out

A colorful illustration of a white rabbit with a unicorn horn, nestled among multi-colored leaves arranged like a fan behind it, projects every mood of peacefulness and whimsy. -Marly Bird

Social Butterfly

Frustration-free projects that you can easily work on in public areas

A whimsical illustration of a white chicken adorned with pink flowers and light pink butterflies, featuring flowing tail feathers and a playful pose, all set against a simple white background, perfect for mood-based projects. -Marly Bird

Smooth Jazz

Projects that require a bit more intense focus (but music is nice!)


Shhh Be Quiet!

Advanced projects requiring deep focus (but a big payoff, too!)